On the weekends we like to get out of town, it needn't be far, just a forty minute drive right up into the mountains. Sometimes, especially in the Summer we turn our hiking trips into overnighter adventures. Backcountry camping means early mornings on the trail, spectacular star filled nighttime skies and a great reminder that we can survive and be completely content on far less. The weekend was perfection, well, until I was bit on my eyelid and the whole right side of my face started to swell and my eye was stuck shut....but that my friends is another story.
Welcome to drop dead gorgeous Washington state. I was in heaven the entire time. We have been there probably a hundred times, but my grateful heart was oohing and aaahing at every turn.
We set up our tent right by Snow Lake. I know it is super easy, but setting up a tent makes me feel self sufficient and outdoorsy. |
The view from our tent. |
Since there is always a possibility of bears in the mountains, we hung our food in a tree. This can be challenging to set up, so I leave it to the mister. His long arms and height are pretty much helpful all of the time.
The best part of camping is the stillness of the morning. |
As we set out to Gem Lake, the trail was completely clear and there was not another hiker in sight. This is the benefit of hiking in to camp. You get a head start on the day and the crowds.
Walking across this enormous log is always a highlight of going to Gem Lake. |
Since we like to act like Mountain Wo(men) we filter our water straight out of the lake. One section of the trail hugs the lake which makes for one distracted hiker.
The bugs were relentless this time of year. It was hard to stop for a photo because they were literally swarming my face. |
Gem Lake |
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