23 April 2009

You always get more than you give

Cameron and I had the opportunity to go and feed the homeless last night. I gave it little thought in the morning while I got dressed for the day and it was not until we arrived at the mission that I realized the error in my ways. I was dressed head to toe in a ridiculous looking outfit for a homeless shelter. I had a pink velvet blazer on with cream colored with pink stripes. I was there to help and all I wanted to do was crawl into a hole. Why was this not the day I wore jeans to work? As we took our places I was given one of the messier tasks of separating trash from half eaten trays of food. Initially, it was hard to not think about how I was getting my dry clean only jacket dirty. Aside from being the only woman on the premises, why did I have to make a spectacle of myself in a vision of pink? Once I got into my work, began to heat up and was able to toss my pink coat aside, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. As the salad dressing splat on my cream pants, my new friend bent down and began scrubbing it out of my pant leg. I felt humble and I felt my heart grow a size. Gentleman came in an unlikely form that day. I felt an instant love for those ragged, penniless, homeless, men. They smiled, they thanked me for every little thing I did and they were sincerely appreciative. I enjoyed their company, their warmth, their acceptance, I want to go back and visit my new friends.


Ketsy said...

I wish I had a picture to go with your story. That would be priceless, but it sounds like the experience was as well.

Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

so cool! If you go again some time, I'd love to join you...