28 September 2011

Forget not to be happy now

General Relief Society Conference was this past weekend. President Uchtdorf's message seemed to resonate the most in my heart. Two of my favorite take home messages were to forget not to be happy now and to turn the mundane into the majestic.

Too often we as women compare ourselves to others and always seem to judge ourselves the harshest. I think this is a talk we can all benefit from hearing again and again. I also thought the theme of his talk goes along very well with the very name of this blog. Be uplifted here.

What was your take home message from conference?

1 comment:

Queen of Kings said...

I loved President Uchtorfs talk! It all hit home for me I love forget me not flowers and I loved each reminder that we are not all perfect to stop comparing and celebrate who we are as individuals. Grateful for little reminders that bring our hearts back in tune.