19 July 2012

A day at sea

The one thing I was most anxious about for our cruise was our days at sea. I was concerned I might feel bored, trapped or worse yet sea sick. I am happy to report I was none of the aforementioned. How did we spend our time you may ask?
We lucked out with sunshine both days we were at sea, so we spent a lot of time out on the decks soaking up the rays and dining al fresco.

We kept ourselves on high alert searching for whales, porpoises and beautiful scenery.

We found all the spots on the ship where we could be alone and enjoy the sea.

We got dressed up and ate fancy dinners. Three courses really should be my new standard for dinner time.........or not.

We enjoyed the sinking sun, the color changing clouds and the most beautiful sunsets.

Lesson learned: if you like being out on the water than a day at sea is not a bad way to go.

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