12 February 2012

Heart Attack

I saw this idea on the Oh Happy Day blog and thought I would give it a try. All you need is a heart template, a bowl of flour/powder sugar and a sieve.
The instructions are simple:
1. Place the template on your desired surface.
2. Dust powdery substance over template with sieve.
3. Remove template
4. Move onto next location

In just under a half hour I had our whole front yard covered with these adorable little white hearts. When Cameron awoke he was surprised to find this all over the yard. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really cool. My mom once mowed a heart into the grass for my dad. I think us kids thought it was cooler than he did. He was kind of meticulous about his lawn and didn't like parts being longer than the rest. What a sentimental softie (not).