28 March 2011

Inherently kind

Where might you meet someone who does not even know your name, but would offer you their gear no questions asked? Hiking of course!! This is just one of the numerous reasons I like to be among the pine trees on my Saturdays. Our hike quickly turned into a snowshoeing route as we sunk deeper into the snow with each step. Good thing, we were prepared and had our snowshoes with us.

As we were almost to the end of our hike, Cameron's other snowshoe broke (other one you say? well I spared you the story of how the first one broke and more impressive how he fixed it) and now the other one had broke. The only other person we came across on the trail that day offered us his gear for our descent. How kind, trusting and nice it is to see be reminded of the all the goodness in this world.

Snow covered trail.

The views were beautiful, but the clouds hid Mt. Rainier from us.

One of the best things about Spring time are the full streams and waterfalls.

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