12 September 2008

Sorry ladies he is taken

I know everyone says they are married to the best guy in the world, but I have facts to back up that statement.

1. He not only cleans, but he is clean.
2. He is never cross or grumpy without due cause (like me being grumpy with him).
3. He has the best smile and attitude.
4. He has a sense of humor such that everyone thinks he is the funniest person around.
5. He is kind and loving to all things. (he is the kind of guy who will buy an almost dead aloe vera plant, bring it home, name it and nurse it back to health.)
6. He aims to constantly please and take care of me.
7. He is a snappy dresser, my only complaint is that he shows me up because he always dresses better.
8. He loves my parents like they were his own.
9. He is adventurous and always up for anything.
10. He can sport a mini mo (mo means mohawk for short) and not look ridiculous.

I am certain that I am missing a lot. Anyone that knows him, feel free to add onto the list.

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